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About Me


I have lived two lives . . . but, I have been a loon in each. 


In 1991, my first painting/art book was published. I went on to publish 12 more, a game, and some children's calendars. It was a good life. It really was. Even though I was missing a few screws.


Then . . .


In 2005, I had surgery that went terribly wrong that landed me with on life-support because of multiple organ failure. Because of what happened, my brain sort of crashed, like my computer does sometimes. It, (my brain) needed to be rebooted. Crud. While Social Media and the Internet were exploding, I was learning how to walk, go up stairs, and read again. I lost my painting skills--which was no biggie. I didn't care for it anyway. 


I mourned the loss of my once over-imaginative mind until 2010. Instead of being a flat-line, my mind started creating again. Yay. That's when I gave up being a published artist and began writing - my true passion. 


During the rebooting of my brain, the doctors never could fix the loose screw, so I still have that. That makes me happy. I love the pink little elephants that dance around my head on occasion.


Life is good.

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